Another Stryker Hip Recall: LFIT V40
The reputation of medical device manufacturer Stryker Corporation has been called into question in the past, after having to recall two of its metal hip replacement systems in 2012. More recently, the company once again faces criticism and outrage for its negligence in distributing yet another defectively designed hip replacement system. On August 29, 2016, Stryker sent an Urgent Medical Device Recall Notification Letter to all surgeons who implanted the LFIT V40 femoral head as part of total hip replacement surgeries. The LFIT V40 femoral head experienced a significant failure rate that has caused many patients to suffer from the crippling health hazards of a deteriorating metal hip implant.
The main concern with the Stryker LFIT V40 focuses on the juncture where the femoral head of the hip implant meets the stem of the hip implant. This is called the “taper lock juncture.” The issue lies in the poorly designed juncture, which has been shown to cause friction between components of the device. This can lead to the disconnection of the femoral head from the stem of the hip implant, as well as the release of cobalt and chromium ions into the body. That means that patients implanted with the LFIT V40 face an increased risk for side effects such as catastrophic hip implant failure, metal poisoning, pseudotumors, tissue damage, and bone damage. Patients experiencing these adverse side effects may suffer symptoms including pain, difficulty walking, joint dislocation, swelling, and inflammation.
Patients who contact their doctor complaining of these symptoms will likely undergo a blood test to check for elevated levels of cobalt and chromium in their blood. Elevated cobalt and chromium levels are a strong indicator that the Stryker LFIT V40 is failing. Another test commonly ordered is called a Metal Artifact Reduction Sequence (MARS) MRI. This MRI helps detect the presence of soft tissue damage, as well as pseudotumors. Pseudotumors are abnormal pockets of fluid surrounding the hip joint caused the release of cobalt and chromium ions from the defective Stryker device. In most cases, failure of the device requires a total revision surgery, forcing patients to go back under the knife to have the recalled device removed and replaced.
Critics of Stryker Corporation point out that the 2016 recall is too little, too late for users of the LFIT V40, which has been on the market since 2011. The company failed to adequately warn of the risks associated with the device despite several studies proving dangerous side effects, some dating back as early as 2014. Our experienced lawyers fight for individuals who have been harmed by defective products. If you or a loved one has been injured or required revision surgery following a Stryker LFIT V40 femoral head implant, or other defective hip devices, the attorneys at the Yost Legal Group will investigate your potential claim and lawsuit. For a free consultation, please call us at 1-800-YOSTLAW.