Sexual Abuse Baltimore

Maryland Delegates Are Working to Strengthen Statutes for Childhood Abuse Victims

Maryland Delegates Are Proposing a New Bill There is a groundswell happening all around the country. State-level politicians and non-governmental organizations are working together in numerous states to make it easier for the victims of childhood sexual abuse to seek justice. Delegates here in the Maryland General Assembly are also a part of this movement...

Lead Paint Poisoning Baltimore

Lead Poisoning Remains a Major Concern for America’s Most Vulnerable Inhabitants

Imagine you are sitting in a diner one cold winter morning. There is a hot cup of coffee or tea between your hands. You reach over to grab one of the small packets of sugar. You barely feel it in your hand. The packet weighs just one gram. That single gram is many times more...

Defective Hip

Defective Hip Implants Are Leading to Lawsuits

Do You Know What Brand of Hip You Have? Hips are in the spotlight right now on some of the biggest stages around the world. Andy Murray, Sybil Shapiro, and Al Roker have all made successful comebacks in their respective fields after hip resurfaces and replacements. Unfortunately, for many other people, hip replacements have only...

Newborn in NICU

Seizures in Newborns

What Is the Most Common Cause of Neonatal Seizures? Did Malpractice Lead to Your Newborn’s Seizures? Last week, I was researching birth injuries and came across a fascinating paper from the American Academy of Neurology about the causes of seizures in newborns. In studying neonatal seizures, a multicenter cohort of researchers found that 58% of...

hip joint xray

Hip Implant Recalls and How They Work

When a company learns that there is a problem with one of its medical devices, they have a responsibility to alert consumers. The company will propose a correction or removal depending on the type of situation. When the manufacturer does so, the FDA refers to this action as a “recall.” Medical devices are recalled when they...

Patient Health

Patient Safety Tips: How to Take Charge of Your Healthcare

Patient safety measures help prevent mistakes and medical malpractice. As studies show that preventable injuries and errors are on the rise, it is no surprise that injured patients initiate most medical malpractice lawsuits. At the Yost Legal Group, we are too familiar with the injuries that occur with what began as a regular hospital visit....

Roundup Weed killer

Unanimous Jury – Roundup Causes Cancer

BAYER’S FEET HELD TO THE FIRE AFTER JURY FINDS THAT ROUNDUP CAUSED CALIFORNIA MAN’S NON-HODGKIN’S LYMPHOMA Bayer is certainly feeling the heat with its stock plummeting 12.5%, overnight (the biggest intraday loss in 16 years – estimated to have cost Bayer about $9.1 billion), after a second California jury ruled on Tuesday (March 19, 2019),...

Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church

Pope’s Summit On Sexual Abuse In The Church Acknowledges The Problem But Is Short On Solutions

The first Vatican summit on sexual abuse confirmed that misconduct happens within the Catholic Church and has for decades.  After international pressure, the conference was intended to make steps toward resolving wide-spread abuse among its clergy. Catholic priests and bishops are facing criminal trials across the globe. Currently, 17 states in the U.S. have continued...

Truck Driver

Thousands of People are Injured or Killed Each Year Because of Fatigued Truck Drivers

Each year, over 200,000 accidents occur between large trucks and automobiles killing approximately 4,000 people and severely injuring thousands more.  Most collisions occur during good weather conditions on straight roadways.  A large number of accidents are due to sleep-deprived truck drivers.  Despite the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration setting industry regulations which limit the number...

Texting and Driving

Alert Today – Alive Tomorrow: How to Avoid The Dangers of Distracted Driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately nine people are killed and more than 1,000 are injured in the United States each day as a result of distracted driving. The increased popularity of cell phone use in recent years has drivers paying less attention to the road and more attention to...