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Winter Driving Safety Tips Can Help In A Pinch!

With February and March being the most snow-ridden months of the year, it is crucial that all Maryland residents are prepared to drive in these dangerous weather conditions. Not only do roads become slick when coated with snow and ice, they also pose serious safety hazards if not properly maintained. While we don’t like to...

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Keep Driving Safety a Top Priority During the Holidays!

The holidays bring many joys- family traditions, delicious food and most importantly, the cherished company of family and friends. While we get so wrapped up in the process of gift shopping, time in the kitchen and organizing holiday arrangements, we sometimes fail to consider driving safety around this chaotic time. Although we don’t like to...

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MADD “Tie One On For Safety” Campaign Reminds Us to Drive Sober During The Holiday Season

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the MADD “Tie One On for Safety” campaign. This public awareness campaign focuses on the importance of preventing drunk driving during the holiday season. Thousands of innocent lives are tragically lost every year due to drunk drivers. Sadly, the holiday season is no exception. The rate of impaired...

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“Drowsy Driving Prevention Week” Starts this Sunday 11/6

Now that fall is in full swing, the sunsets come earlier and the nights are longer. That means that it is almost inevitable for us to feel sleepier earlier in the day, and that can be a dangerous combination when paired with driving. Sunday, November 6th is the start of Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, a...

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Maryland Drivers – Please Be Extra Cautious on the Roads this Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner. Statistics show that Halloween is one of the most dangerous times of the year for young pedestrians. Maryland drivers should be ready to take special precautions on the road this year to ensure that everyone can enjoy the holiday safely. Children traveling in groups with their friends on Halloween...

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National Teen Driver Safety Week Starts This Weekend

According to the most recent data from the National Center for Health Statistics, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death of young people between the ages of 15-19. It is extremely important to speak with young people in our community about the importance of practicing safe driving behavior at all times, and National Teen...

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NHTSA Reports a Sharp Increase in the Number of Traffic Fatalities in 2015

Traffic fatalities continue to be a widespread public safety issue across the U.S., causing thousands of preventable deaths each year. In the first half of 2016 alone, traffic-related fatalities rose by 10.4% compared to last year, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). To read more about these shocking statistics, click here. The 2015...

People Are Injured Every Day Due to Distracted Driving Across Maryland

People Are Injured Every Day Due to Distracted Driving Across Maryland

Distracted driving is a selfish decision that thousands of Americans make every day. When drivers choose to be distracted on their phone instead of concentrating on the road, they are not only putting their own lives on the line, but also the innocent lives of motorists and pedestrians around them. Looking at Maryland specifically, it...

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Pulmonary Embolism is The Leading Cause of Preventable Deaths in Patients Hospitalized for Surgical Procedures

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is usually caused by a blood clot (deep vein thrombosis, or “DVT”) formed in the deep veins of one or both legs, although it is possible for DVTs to form in any deep vein in the body. Unless the DVT is discovered and treated, all or part of the clot will enter...

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Drive Safely This Holiday Season

During the winter holidays, traffic volume is much higher than normal as families hit the road to visit friends and relatives. AAA estimates that nearly 95 million Americans will travel the roads during the holidays. This high volume of drivers, combined with the multitude of festivities and potential distractions, increases the odds of being involved...