Children Exposed To Lead Are More Likely To Commit Violent Crimes
Lead poisoning has been known for decades to cause brain damage and new research shows that lead poisoning is linked to violent crime. Lead is a toxin that damages the parts of the brain that control impulses, emotions, and a person’s ability to pay attention. Studies from the University of Cincinnati and the University of Pittsburgh found that children exposed to lead are more likely to commit violent crimes as adults because of brain damage caused by lead poisoning.
Most children are exposed to lead in their own homes from poorly maintained paint that contains lead. In 1978, the federal government made it illegal to use lead paint in homes, but there is no law that requires a property owner to remove lead paint from a home, so many older homes still contain lead paint today. Most parents are not aware of the danger of chipping paint in their homes, or of the lasting effects of lead poisoning.
The Yost Legal Group is a law firm with more than twenty years of experience in representing children and the parents of children who have been poisoned by lead. We have helped hundreds of children obtain monetary compensation for their lead poisoning injuries. The experienced attorneys at the Yost Legal Group can help investigate your or your child’s claim for lead poisoning.
Call our office at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) for a free, confidential consultation. We’ll investigate your situation, and if you have a claim for Lead Paint Exposure, we will fight to protect your rights. There is never a fee upfront, and we only get paid when you do. If there is no recovery, then there is no attorneys fee.
The Yost Legal Group – Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Your Rights