Delayed C-Sections Can Lead to Birth Injuries
Cesarean deliveries (C-sections) are a common procedure for women in labor. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 33% of all deliveries in the United States are performed via C-section. There are many good reasons why a doctor might feel a C-section is the best method for delivery. Generally speaking, the procedure is safe for both mother and child. However, there are still risks involved, and on rare occasions complications can arise.
If you think a delayed C-section caused your baby’s birth injury, or if your baby suffered a birth injury and was delivered by emergency c-section, contact the experienced birth injury lawyers at The Yost Legal Group today: 1-800-YOST-LAW. We can help you find answers during a free initial consultation.
Reasons for C-Section Delivery
It is important that the lead physician and medical team monitor the mother and baby throughout the pregnancy and labor process. There are numerous adverse conditions that may impede the free flow of oxygen to the baby.
Malpresentation: In the birth canal, the baby is not in the typical head-first position. This is often associated with oxygen deprivation and umbilical cord problems.
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD): In this situation, the baby’s head, relative to the mother’s pelvis, is too large, thus preventing safe passage through the birth canal. This is often associated with shoulder dystocia, an obstetrical emergency which can cause hypoxic brain injury by compressing the baby’s head or neck and/or compress the umbilical cord between the baby and the birth canal – any of these compressions can interrupt the baby’s oxygen supply, which can cause permanent brain injury.
Abnormal fetal heart rate: When a baby is in distress, one of the clearest signs it can show from the womb is an irregular heart rate. Bradycardia, or a hear rate that is too slow, is a critical indicator of fetal distress and an indicator the baby’s brain may not be receiving enough oxygen.
If a physician notices these adverse conditions in time, an emergency C-section may save the mother and baby from harm. However, if the medical team is negligent in their monitoring and notices these issues too late or acts too late, the baby’s lack of oxygen may cause hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
The Dangers of HIE
During labor, every second counts. Even a brief lack of oxygen can result in HIE, a type of newborn brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen and limited blood flow to the baby’s brain during labor and delivery.
If doctors were too late to perform a C-section in response to fetal distress, HIE can lead to permanent brain damage, resulting in a reduced quality of life.
We Will Help You Find the Answers
If your baby is suffering from brain damage, has an HIE or cerebral palsy diagnosis and was delivered via delayed or emergency C-section, you may have a case. Contact the experienced birth injury attorneys at The Yost Legal Group today: 1-800-YOST-LAW. You may have a case.