Informational Resources

Elmiron Video
Elmiron was originally approved for use by the FDA to treat the symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis in 1996. Research has established a link between the long-term use of Elmiron and injury to the center of the retina.
This condition, Retinal Maculopathy, includes symptoms that occur gradually, and may not be immediately obvious. They include dark spots in the field of vision, difficulty adjusting vision to low-light situations, difficulty reading, blurred vision, and even blindness. Click here to watch this video and learn more.
Necrotizing Enterocolitis Web Video
The underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract of a premature infant cannot tolerate cow’s milk products shortly after birth. The use of these types of formulas during this stage increases the risk of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), a serious intestinal condition with a high mortality rate.
Similac and Enfamil, the manufacturers of cow’s milk-based formulas, knew the risks, and did not warn parents and healthcare providers. Click here to watch this video and learn more.