Recent Series of Pedestrian Accidents Cause Delays, Safety Concerns
A series of pedestrian accidents, including two hit-and-runs, has left three Maryland residents fatally injured and at least one other in critical condition. Beginning during the evening of Saturday, January 31st and continuing through to Monday night, 3 separate and unrelated accidents have caused serious public concern while also contributing to long delays along major Baltimore roadways.
One accident took place at around 9:15pm on Sunday, February 1st along the Baltimore-Maryland Parkway. Police say that two motorists had stopped along the side of the road to repair a flat tire when they were struck by a car that continued driving without stopping. One victim was pronounced dead shortly after Police arrived at the scene, while the other was transported to a local hospital with what has been described as injuries that were serious, but not life-threatening.
Roughly 24 hours prior to this accident, another pedestrian was struck and killed on the Parkway north of Route 100 in the Hanover area. This accident also involved a motorist who was struck by a vehicle after exiting her car along the side of the road.
The final and most recent accident took place on Interstate 95 at around 9:15pm Monday night. This accident also left a pedestrian fatally injured and forced Police to shut down I-95 Northbound for about 2 ½ hours while they conducted their investigation. The full details of this accident are still unclear at this time. Police are still investigating all three of these cases and are urging anyone with any information to call Maryland State Police at 410-761-5130.
A 2013 report by the Governors Highway Safety Association found that pedestrian deaths in Maryland increased between 2012 and 2013 from 45 to 58. Full data from 2014 is not yet available, but thus far in 2015, 4 pedestrians have been killed on Maryland roads after being struck by moving vehicles. The fact that three of those four deaths took place between Saturday and Monday night is extremely concerning and stresses the importance of being cautious when exiting your vehicle, especially during evening hours. Data suggests that nearly one in three pedestrian fatalities occurs between the hours of 8 and 11:59pm.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a moving vehicle while biking, crossing the street, jogging, or simply walking on the sidewalk, you may be entitled to compensation. Trust the Auto and Pedestrian Accident experts at The Yost Legal Group to handle your case with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Our experienced team of Baltimore Personal Injury and Accident attorneys will tirelessly represent you and will ensure that you receive the proper compensation for your injuries. Call us today at 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529) to receive a FREE, confidential and no-obligation consultation. We will work hard to secure the justice you deserve.
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