What You Need to Know About Back-to-School Bus Safety
Schools are back—and in person. Across the nation, tens of millions of students are leaving their houses every morning and venturing out to school. Some are walking. Some parents are taking their children. And some students catch busses. On their ways to school, students are out early in the morning when drivers might not be as alert. There could be fog that reduces visibility. And with the end of daylight saving time looming, morning visibility will continue to decrease. With so many potentially dangerous factors, it is understandable parents might have concerns about school bus and bus stop safety.
For students’ safety and the safety of others, it is imperative students remain at least five feet away from the curb when waiting for the bus. Furthermore, they should maintain that safe distance until the bus comes to a complete stop.
Once students are on the bus, their safety is mostly in the hands of the drivers. However, students can decrease their potential risk should an accident occur by always remaining seated and facing forward when the bus is in motion and even when it is stopped at a red light.
Finally, upon arrival at the destination, whether that be school or the neighborhood bus stop, students should only get up from their seats after the bus has made a complete stop. Then, never cross too closely to the front or back of the bus after exiting the vehicle. And, as always, look both ways before crossing any streets.
Since 2009, an average of 121 fatalities have occurred each year in school-transportation-related crashes. 55% of the tragic losses were passengers, people who are most likely to be students. Furthermore, over the same period, 52% of school-aged-pedestrian fatalities in school-transportation-related crashes were between the ages of five and ten years old. The loss of life—especially at such a young age—is always tragic, which is why it is important for students to know about and practice the best ways they can keep themselves safe.
Of course, we at The Yost Legal Group are not here to be all “doom and gloom.” We are here to provide actionable information and contextualize the data so you have a clear understanding of the facts. That is why we need to provide this very important fact. According to a study conducted by the Department of Transportation and the American School Bus Council:
While the Motor Vehicle Administration and various police departments around the state are constantly reminding vehicle operators to drive safely, it is also important for us to inform students about the actions they can take to keep themselves safe. Being aware of their surroundings can make all the difference when the potential outcomes are an accident or no accident at all.
If you or a loved one has been seriously harmed as a result of a school bus-related accident, call the knowledgeable attorneys at The Yost Legal Group today: 1-800-YOST-LAW (967-8529). Injuries include, but are not limited to, hospitalization, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and fatalities. Our attorneys are experienced and ready to handle your school bus accident claim with no cost to you unless you recover.